How to beat defenders with 0% top spin ?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

How to beat defenders with 0% top spin ?

Postby ekogarniza » 28 Apr 2018, 16:41

How to beat defenders with no top spin, 100% power and 100% counter? Isn´t it quite unrealistic? These players can hit even harder than power baseliner and also defend everything and they barely hit error. Defenders can usually run very well, but when they hit with more power than power baseliner, something is not right. I play as a Power Baseliner with 31% top spin and defenders like this are my nightmare, because not only they can defend my shots, but they can overpower me. In real life tennis, defender never has more winners than Power Baseliner.

I can even send you a *dmo. It is really frustrating how these players make 146 kmh shot just like nothing and mine are mostly around 130 kmh.
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Re: How to beat defenders with 0% top spin ?

Postby manutoo » 30 Apr 2018, 08:43


0% topspin strikes have likely a bit too much precision ; this is something that should change in TE4 and thus it should by consequence alter the behavior of defenders with such low spin. Once it's done (within 1 year), you'll be welcome to test out the result and let me know if it needs more tuning or not... :yes:
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