Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

Postby SLC » 01 Feb 2018, 05:04

no ways but only one way: volleyer play. ——this is my conclusion of this game for 5 years played.

as slower as you can on serve and return.
and as faster as you can on run.

attached the demos and player setting for reference.

Harel Levy 000.jpg

2010-2014. only play 4GS and 2 mst.

Harel Levy 002.jpg


Harel Levy MatchLog - [7C35D98C].rar
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 73
Gaming Since: 27 Nov 2015, 08:22

Re: Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

Postby SLC » 23 Mar 2018, 06:29

play 10 years for this. 9 matchs / y.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 73
Gaming Since: 27 Nov 2015, 08:22

Re: Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

Postby SLC » 18 Sep 2018, 06:12

the stat and demo video for the 2018-6 new ver.

volley play style STILL WORK
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 73
Gaming Since: 27 Nov 2015, 08:22

Re: Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

Postby ZuutCoke » 18 Sep 2018, 08:19

You mean "it's the only way" when you play career mode with a created player, no ?
Because if you choose "season mode" with an existing one like Fed or Djoko, even Berdych or Tsonga, you can win slams in Incredible 10, as the stats are already established
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

Postby KenPar » 15 Oct 2018, 13:45

Is volleyer player really that overpowered? I've never had that impression, but then again I'm not all that great at the game.
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Re: Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

Postby manutoo » 16 Oct 2018, 06:25

it's not really that the volleyer is OP ; the reason is that the Incredible CPU is very very fast and thus can catch almost all accelerations and so it's nearly impossible to make a winner against him from the baseline. You can either wait for an error but it takes ages and it's super boring and you have to make no mistake yourself, or you can rush the net and finish the point there, as the Incredible passing shots are good but not perfect. :blackeye:
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Re: Win GS play Incredible 10 ways.

Postby SLC » 12 Dec 2018, 09:39

wta slower move... more diffcult.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 73
Gaming Since: 27 Nov 2015, 08:22

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