Some play suggestions?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Some play suggestions?

Postby Natmeris » 20 Jan 2018, 22:35

I'm using a keyboard, and was wondering if there was any tips to improve my play during matches. I am getting the hang of hitting angles and groundstrokes, but I do have some issues directing the serve. I only have 1 ace in my little playtime over the last few days. There are no indicators, but now that I think about it, this isnt unusual. Its just that I usually played tennis games on my 360, which meant, I knew where it went based on my analog stick position. If there were indicators, then, say, playing splitscreen, the other player would see it. I can just barely "guess" where it can go, but I cant seem to find a feel for it. I know arrow keys are hard to get accurate for this sort of thing, but the goal posts seem to move, so I cant get a good uniform idea.

I do have a few peculiarities. I seem to favour backhands over my forehead, not through preference, but just that, that is how it "happens". So my character likes to go around the forehand and hit the backhand.

I am having trouble hitting dropshots. All my dropshots seem to be more short slices, and not close to the net. If I do get it closer, it goes into the net.

Is the mouse usable?
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 20 Jan 2018, 22:23

Re: Some play suggestions?

Postby Natmeris » 24 Jan 2018, 02:56

I'm still a little confused on directions. I hit a shot that it says is a green hit on the racket, but it goes out. Now the help doesnt say that all shots are like this of course. But it says it should be safe. When I add Short Strike, it also is not always a short strike. It sometimes hits a long ball when hitting down the middle, and yet it was a safe hit on the racket.

I'm still improving what I can however. I can hit more aces, even with the struggles I mentioned above. I have upped the difficulty quite a bit. I was winning 6-0, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 very easily; but my last game did go to a tiebreaker.
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 20 Jan 2018, 22:23

Re: Some play suggestions?

Postby manutoo » 24 Jan 2018, 09:36


it seems you play without the aiming preview, so 1st step is to turn it on and then play a little while in Warm Up mode to learn how everything works.

This might help as well : ... e.html#how ... :yes:
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Re: Some play suggestions?

Postby Natmeris » 24 Jan 2018, 22:49

I adjusted that setting. That specific part of the setting was not turned on, only the All+Danger Zone. The Aiming part does help immensely. Nearly took the current struggling difficulty level to 6-0, but did 6-2. So I increased the difficulty level yet again and beat that too. There is no serve aim, until after the ball is hit, but I can control it decently well.
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 20 Jan 2018, 22:23

Re: Some play suggestions?

Postby manutoo » 25 Jan 2018, 09:29

For the serve, it works same, but there's no way to see the aiming preview, but as you said, once you know how it works, it's doable... :)
== Mana Games ==

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