2 questions

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

2 questions

Postby Burned » 26 Dec 2017, 21:40


J'ai deux questions, je n'ai pas trouvé de réponses sur le forum, j'espère que vous pourrez m'aiguiller.
Je précise que je parle du training mode en CPU vs CPU au niveau de difficulté Pro 10 ou Master 1 la rigueur.

1) Comment rétablir le réalisme du jeu de Isner ou Karlovic ? C'est à dire un gros service, et un retour très faible.
Parce que malgré mes statistiques sur la feuille de personnage, Isner fait souvent des 6-1, des 6-2 ou encaisse des 6-1 ou des 6-2. Peu de tie-break.
Du coup, comment faire en sorte que Karlovic joue serveur-volleyeur tout étant un très bon serveur ?

2) Comment est-ce possible que les joueurs ne mettent jamais une balle dans le filet excepté au service ? Durant les échanges, la balle peut sortir un peu partout, mais quasi jamais dans le filet (sauf sur des slices trop mal préparés à la limite)

Merci pour vos réponses


Good evening,

I have 2 questions and I haven't found any kind of answer to it so far.
I'm talking about the training mode in CPU vs CPU mode and my players play at the level Pro 10or Master 1.

1) How to make Isner or Karlovic's game really realistic ? I want a pretty hard service to return and a very bad ability at returning.
I often see Isner or Karlovic win with 6-1 or 6-2 or at the contrary lose 6-1. That almost never happen in real life.
How can I get closer to reality with that kind of players ?

2) How is it possible that the ball almost never end up on the net except when serving ? During the rallies, the ball might be out, but no net.
Is it possible to make my game more realistic with that ?

Thanks for your answers

Merry christmas to you all, I know I'm late

Dominic Thiem
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Re: 2 questions

Postby manutoo » 27 Dec 2017, 10:41


1) You can use the hidden Return skill (need to edit Tennis.ini and not touch the Character Sheet skills in-game, IIRC).
Maybe also use AiSlowerReturner to give a general boost to CPU serve.

2) It's by design ; when I created TE2009 at 1st, I thought people wouldn't like to do unforced errors, so there's no ball in net except on extremely hard balls. TE4 will modify that.
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Re: 2 questions

Postby Burned » 27 Dec 2017, 13:34

Thanks for answering,

I've tried to edit tennis.ini but I saw no way to modify a specific player.
I play with ATP Maxou Patch 2016.
Would it help me to edit the files in Tennis Elbow 2013 / Profiles / Grass (for example) ?

There're some files named for example p_1.ini.
Is it dedicated to WT or to training mode ?
If I edit the return on that file, is my player Isner in training mode going to have a bad return ?
Dominic Thiem
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Re: 2 questions

Postby manutoo » 28 Dec 2017, 08:54

AiSlowerReturner affects all CPU.

You can make edit grass court physics to make it more ace prone (needs lower Elasticity, and possibly a bit higher Friction value).

p_ = saved player in Training Club. And yup, you can change his return skill in there. Just don't change a skill after loading him.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: 2 questions

Postby Burned » 30 Dec 2017, 01:07


Désolé pour le délai de réponse et merci pour tes réponses.

J'ai une autre question : J'ai ajouté des courts (notamment Laver Cup, Davis cup, Hopman cup, IPTL etc ...) en éditant les courts challengers et future dans les dossiers CustomCourts.

Ils se lancent bien, mais dans le menu IG, ils apparaissent encore avec l'ancien nom et l'ancien logo. Comment les éditer pour les mettre à jour ? (Laver Cup au lieu de Challenger 11 etc ...) Qu'est-ce que je dois changer dans les différents dossiers ?

Merci, j'abuse je suis désolé


Good evening,

Sorry for the delay in replying. Thanks for your answers.

I've got another question : I've added some new courts by editing the CustomCourts folders.

They work properly, but in the menu, they still appear with their former name and pictures. How to update that ?

Thank you

Dominic Thiem
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Re: 2 questions

Postby manutoo » 30 Dec 2017, 08:49

Sorry, I can't help you with Modding ; ask your question the Modding forum (or do a search in there).
== Mana Games ==

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Re: 2 questions

Postby damonhill » 30 Dec 2017, 20:43

Hello burned,

For the name of the court, it's in the Menu directory and you have to mod lang_français.txt (line : //===TrainingClub)

For the logo, it's also in Menu, you have to mod global.def (line : //======= Courts - Normal Size)
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: 2 questions

Postby Burned » 31 Dec 2017, 02:25

Thank you so much !
Dominic Thiem
Andy Murray
Daniil Medvedev

Always !
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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