Wimbledon bug/problem phucnguyen screen in screen

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Wimbledon bug/problem phucnguyen screen in screen

Postby meee7 » 23 Sep 2017, 11:46

Hi guys, I'm trying to fix this problem. However I can't help myself. I saw there was a discussion about this problem few years ago, but it didn't help me.
Here is the previous discussion topic29-18408.php
Can you please help me with this one? I am desperate. Thanks for any advise
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 23 Sep 2017, 11:36

Re: Wimbledon bug/problem phucnguyen screen in screen

Postby manutoo » 24 Sep 2017, 06:55

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Re: Wimbledon bug/problem phucnguyen screen in screen

Postby meee7 » 24 Sep 2017, 17:46

Man, you're a legend! Thanks a lot
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 23 Sep 2017, 11:36

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