do sth to make TE more famous and popular

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

do sth to make TE more famous and popular

Postby james2017 » 04 Sep 2017, 10:57

TE is a great tennis game, its the best one in all the tennis games which i have palyed, but i find its not so popular and dont have many members. When i want to play on line, there is no any person always.

I want to ask why TE can not be make as an Electronic Sports Game?

Electronic Sports Games means many many people can play on line, attend the world tour, win the match and prize money, other people can watch the match on live, just same as actual tennis game.

I think TE should open for free, and do ads to make more people know it and play it. Also cooperate with the website which can do LIVE. When more and more people join it and watch the matchs on live, so more and more sponsors will join it and more and more ads fees will coming.

I believe TE not only an entertainment game, it also can be a professional game, more and more professional TE players will attend, just like the actual professional tennis players.
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Gaming Since: 04 Sep 2017, 10:22

Re: do sth to make TE more famous and popular

Postby manutoo » 05 Sep 2017, 08:02


to make a game very famous, you need a lot of money.
Ads today bring little bit of money.
Tennis is a niche sport, it's not popular like football or basketball.

TE2013 used to be more popular, but now it's an old game. It'll get better with TE4..! :yes:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: do sth to make TE more famous and popular

Postby Managay » 06 Sep 2017, 08:52

Sorry to write this down but I think the developer doesn't face the reality and get the big picture here.

Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world: TV ratings are good, it's played by a lot of people all over the world and it gets tons of press/and tv coverage on the news.
Secondly, basket games F1 or boxing/mma generate millions in sales with less popularity.
Thirdly, associating niche games with limited sales is a nonsense: a lot of "niche games" generate millions of sales.

The truth about Tennis Elbow (and tennis games) is that the whole stuff has never been properly managed.
TE is a gem with a great esport potential: huge learning curve, interesting to watch... But how many people in the world have heard about it? Money here is the perfect excuse here to justify the lack of exposure. But esport development doesn't actually require money, it requires partnerships, negotiations and contracts, stuff Managames can't or doesn't want to focus on. It prefers losing its time on a dungeon niche game that nobody cares about :applause:

Just check out the score of TE on Metacritic: it only displays 1 press review and 13 users review. How many people stream TE on Twitch? How many influencers talk about TE? The answer is simple: zero.
The audience exists though: some youtube TE videos reach 40/50K views despite the lack of exposure and the very restricted community.

At the end of the day, you can't totally blame the developer, he created the perfect tennis experience alone while teams behind Top Spin failed to reach 50% of TE's quality.
Manu is a bit like Wozniak at Apple, potentially a technical genious with limited ambition, vision, strategy and marketing skills... Just look at the website... Managames is what Apple would have been without Steve Jobs: an anonymous company that nobody cares about.

However, If Manu built a team around him, TE would be as famous as NBA 2K, we would have spectator mode, 2vs2, competitions, release on ps4/xbox... And TE would generate between 1 and 5 millions sales all over the world. The asians would be crazy about this game as well!

Re: do sth to make TE more famous and popular

Postby manutoo » 07 Sep 2017, 10:38

Managay wrote:Just check out the score of TE on Metacritic: it only displays 1 press review and 13 users review. How many people stream TE on Twitch? How many influencers talk about TE? The answer is simple: zero.

And check Dungeon Guardians' Metacritic page : 7 press reviews vs 1 for TE2013, and that with 10 times less efforts put into marketing than for TE. This is where is the issue : almost no press cares about tennis games, especially one looking like TE2013.

Without a better looking TE4, all marketing efforts will be vain... :sad3:
== Mana Games ==

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