Comments about v1.0j

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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby manutoo » 31 May 2018, 08:47

your issue looks similar to this one : viewtopic.php?p=246800#p246800 ; so his solution a few posts later may work for you too.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby Mecir » 07 Jun 2018, 19:57

manutoo wrote:Mecir,
your issue looks similar to this one : viewtopic.php?p=246800#p246800 ; so his solution a few posts later may work for you too.

I solved the problem by decreasing the resolution and setting 75hz as refresh rate instead of the default 60. Aesthetic-wise not the best thing as it looks blurry now, but not a big deal either.
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court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby Mecir » 09 Jun 2018, 23:55

Mecir wrote:I solved the problem by decreasing the resolution and setting 75hz as refresh rate instead of the default 60. Aesthetic-wise not the best thing as it looks blurry now, but not a big deal either.

It didn't last much, apparently. Whatever.
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court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby manutoo » 10 Jun 2018, 07:52

in that case it means it's something else.
1st thing is to check your PC doesn't trigger the energy economy mode.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby Mecir » 10 Jun 2018, 09:48

manutoo wrote:Mecir,
in that case it means it's something else.
1st thing is to check your PC doesn't trigger the energy economy mode.

I don't have such option on. What I know is that everything was fine with the previous version of TE I had, this new patch triggered this issue.
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court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby manutoo » 11 Jun 2018, 07:43

try to uninstall & reinstall everything. It fixed similar issues for a few other people.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby manutoo » 11 Jun 2018, 14:37

I just did a little test on my old PC and it was somewhat jerky.
Setting Windowed to Exclusive Fullscreen instead of Fullscreen Window fixed the issue. VSync on was nearly perfect while VSync off was still a tiny bit jerky.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Comments about v1.0j

Postby Mecir » 11 Jun 2018, 22:52

With this setup it feels sharper, a bit better overall, but still getting that issue from time to time. I think I'll just install TE on a newer PC, this should prevent any trouble.
Thanks for your help.
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court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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