Aiming Preview on Serve

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Aiming Preview on Serve

Postby Rigonanfm » 12 Jun 2017, 09:16

I want to practice my serve. Is there a feature on serve just like rally shots where you can aim where your ball is going? I don't want the serving based on a gut feeling. Different places, different camera angles. It's so hard to time the serve and position the ball when I am attempting for an ace.

Also does this line slows down the return for serve or overall reflexes?

AiSlowerReturner= 0 // Set this to 0.05 to lower reflexes of CPU by 0.05s on return
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Gaming Since: 11 Jun 2017, 03:12

Re: Aiming Preview on Serve

Postby manutoo » 13 Jun 2017, 09:10


1) There's no aiming preview for the serve, but the aiming rule is more simple than during rallies : the sensitivity is always the same ; you can try with 80% in Power and 100% in Precision to have very little randomness. And then get a visual hint from your player throwing the ball and you should be ok to aim consistently.

2) Only the reflexes
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