General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow


Postby Berrysh » 25 Feb 2017, 22:11


I have been playing against incredible CPU for some time but have never been able to beat, or even score more than 3 or 4 games maybe.

Do people play with the keyboard at this game? And is this normal that I feel that the reaction time between the time i press a direction button and the actual start of my player is incredibly long ?!

Please help, this game is driving me crazy and because the incredible lvl is so overpowered i feel winning a single point is a miracle ^^.

Thank you.
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby manutoo » 26 Feb 2017, 09:50


you may want to check these topics :
- topic10-19616.php
- topic15-24284.php

And for the input lag, check this : topic5-24291.php .
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby Berrysh » 26 Feb 2017, 17:08

Thank you for your rapid answer.
I dont think there is any lag from the monitor, it must be the way player move that is weird to me.

Do good players usually use a keyboard or a controller for this game?

I will try again and again but this f******g ai puts me in difficulty on my serve even after a 220km/h one on the line... hit the line pretty much every point...
I am under the impression i should never get to far behind the base line and take the ball early but of course the player cant control the ball half of the time... and getting a cross court ball kinda short with some power is nearly impossible...


but good game...
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby manutoo » 27 Feb 2017, 08:54

I'm not sure, but it might have a bit more keyboard users, although controller isn't a rare choice either.

Beating the Incredible often means using exploits or doing very long points, so it may not be the most fun way to play the game... :)
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby Berrysh » 27 Feb 2017, 14:45

At last a win against Hewitt Incredible 2... 7/6... very long in did ^^
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby Berrysh » 19 Mar 2017, 21:02

Ok I started playing against Incredible 10... and I definitly think this lvl has been created to train the mental aspect of real tennis players... i mean, how not to get frustrated when you serve at 215 km/h on the line and get a winning or difficult return from this f*****g AI about 33% of the time... Or when it makes a crazy defence?
I have to thank the programmer of this AI because it is a real exercice in order to become as much peaceful as a man like Christ or Buddah...
But I also want to say with all the love that i can still find in myself that he can go f***k himself for creating it.
This topic totally exists as a mental therapy for my frustration playing this game... much love and thank you.
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby manutoo » 20 Mar 2017, 09:23

Incredible-10 has been created with the goal to be unbeatable, so even the best players of the world would still have a challenge in the game. As it seems it's beatable, I'll have to make it stronger for the following sequel... ;)
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby Berrysh » 02 Apr 2017, 22:46

Ah mince je viens de me rendre compte que t'es Français comme moi héhé.
Tu me dis qu'il y a vraiment des mecs qui arrivent à le battre? Et bien bravo à eux parce que même en servant à 220 je me fais repousser au fond du court presque 75% du temps. Ensuite pour reprendre l'avantage en jouant long il arrive quand même à me mettre des angles énormes... et en plus comme si l'adversaire n'était pas assez fort, je me sens limité dans le jeu au sens ou quand je veux prendre la balle tôt ça sort plus de la moitié du temps... sans compter les coups chopés qui partent en fautes après un coup puissant de l'adversaire. En plus, j'ai l'impression de manquer de puissance du fond du court parce que les contres qu'il me met sont tellement méchants... Bref je suis sans solution.
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby manutoo » 03 Apr 2017, 08:54

En fait, il faut jouer de manière relativement irréaliste pour le battre, en utilisant toutes les petites imperfections du jeu : topic15-24284.php .
Ce n'est pas forcément la manière la plus amusante de jouer, sauf si tu aimes bien voir comment pousser les règles d'un jeu dans ses retranchements... :)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby Berrysh » 19 Oct 2017, 17:12

Oué je n'ai pas envie d'utiliser les imperfections du jeu (ce qui me met déjà un gros handicap vu comme l'ordi est cheaté de ouf; et en plus, je me sens limité dans les déplacements : joueur lent, dur à démarrer, et aller vers l'avant est un calvaire).
Je suis en incroyable 5; j'arrive à gagner 2 ou 3 jeux de service et parfois obtenir des balles de break... Mais pour le retour de service faut déjà choisir un côté en permanence sinon c'est mort (pareil en 2ème parfois... 175km/h extérieur ligne à presque chaque 2ème c'est toujours sympa héhé).
Le pire c'est quand tu crois avoir gagné le point mais que ce p....n de CPU te remet un chop hyper long ou croisé en bout de raquette alors que tu crois qu'il ne l'aura pas ... et ça arrive tout le temps...
Bref super jeu pour entrainer le mental pour des conditions réelles : tu fais face à tous tes démons face à ce p.....n de CPU de m...e (ahhhhhh ça fait du bien de l'insulter ce fdp! ^^).
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Re: How to beat INCREDIBLE CPU?

Postby Berrysh » 18 Mar 2018, 13:22

This IA still is the biggest joke ever, but still playing against it... probably masochist...
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