How to play service voley ?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

How to play service voley ?

Postby jolamouche » 26 Sep 2016, 17:16

Hi !!!
I use to play this game for a long time...
But a thing i can't to is to play service voley ..
As soon as i run to the net to do the point, my ball falls into the net or the other player pass me !!!
If you have some tip, i'm your man :)
et surtout visitez mon site, ca lui fera plaisir !!!
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: How to play service voley ?

Postby Spoobit » 29 Sep 2016, 15:51

Generally you don't want to hit the ball as hard as possible, use kick or slice to make sure you can get to the net in time (interestingly I find clay the easiest surface to S&V on in this game due to the large amount of kick you can get on the service). Also serving into the body is pretty effective as going out wide can give your opponent the angle to pass you down the line when you're moving in. I would recommend using the slice volley on your first shot off the return to minimise the chance of a error, if you get the right angle on it this should force a weak reply that you can put away with a more aggressive volley. Other more obvious things are serving to your opponent's weaker wing, making sure you're pressing to move forward as you make contact with the ball so you get the jump into the court and making your player a freakishly tall monster ;)

It's important to realise that this game simulates modern tennis with modern equipment and in modern pro tennis it's extremely difficult to play S&V consistently so it kind of makes sense for it to be a struggle in the game.
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tennis enthusiastic
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