Form of the day settings ?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Form of the day settings ?

Postby iopzzza » 08 May 2016, 22:17

Just one question .. If my form of the day in tennis.ini looks like this

Active = 1
GoodDayRate = 0.3 // Rate of a good days instead of a bad days
BlendRandom = 2 // If 0, use only FormOfDay from Mental Skills
// If 1, use only Random Average; else, LERP between the 2
BadMax = -0.5 // Max Level Lowering
BadAverage = -0.25 // Used only if blending with Random
GoodMax = 0.5 // Max Level Raising
GoodAverage = 0.25 // Used only if blending with Random

It means FOTD is ACTIVE and is LERPING between the 2 , right ? Am i understanding it the right way?
And one more thing , BadAverage and GoodAverage are used only if BlendRandom is set to 1 or ? it can LERP and they still work ?
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Re: Form of the day settings ?

Postby manutoo » 09 May 2016, 07:51


if you want to Blend between the 2, use a number between 0 & 1 ;
BlendRandom = 0.5 => 50% mental skills / 50% random
BlendRandom = 0.25 => 25% mental skills / 75% random

BadAverage & GoodAverage are used only by Random Average, and thus only when BlendRandom is not 0.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Form of the day settings ?

Postby Guest » 28 Aug 2016, 01:24

manutoo wrote:Hello,

if you want to Blend between the 2, use a number between 0 & 1 ;
BlendRandom = 0.5 => 50% mental skills / 50% random
BlendRandom = 0.25 => 25% mental skills / 75% random

BadAverage & GoodAverage are used only by Random Average, and thus only when BlendRandom is not 0.

Shouldn't it be the opposite? If 0 is 100% mental skills, and 1 is 100% random, shouldn't 0.25 be 75% mental / 25% random? Confused about this.

Also, isn't there still a random component to the mental skills? It's not always the same, right?

Re: Form of the day settings ?

Postby manutoo » 28 Aug 2016, 09:17

yup, it's the opposite, my mistake... :P

Mental skills only change at start of every year, same than other skills (IIRC). You can play TEM to check that... ;)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Form of the day settings ?

Postby Spoobit » 29 Aug 2016, 23:03

Slightly related question Manu: What does the Form % number relate to on the player statistics page?
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Re: Form of the day settings ?

Postby manutoo » 30 Aug 2016, 08:52

it's (Speed + Stamina) * 0.5.
== Mana Games ==

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