AI's improvement

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

AI's improvement

Postby nijoco » 16 Apr 2016, 17:08

i simply dont understand how the AI makes such an imrovement between sets.
i can win a set 6-0 and then the second one willl always see them race off at a much higher ability- even if their stamina is right down.
Ive been in the position where i have 3/4 stamina and they have maybe half and i tire out first and they can run and hit for
about 30 shots or more and still the stamina wont catch up with them as they hit harder and harder,

I underdtand that pro players can make strong comebacks and it's part of tennis but it seems to defy the stamina bar and
allows them to play a comeplety different wayto the earlier sets, it's like facing a different player, suddenly finding all the lines
and seemingly doubling on speed and defence when behind.

it is managable but makes little sense

Re: AI's improvement

Postby ComeonANDY!! » 16 Apr 2016, 21:38

nijoco wrote:i simply dont understand how the AI makes such an imrovement between sets.
i can win a set 6-0 and then the second one willl always see them race off at a much higher ability

That's exactly the reason I love TE! It's so realistic. The same thing as you've described happens in real life!! ':D
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Re: AI's improvement

Postby manutoo » 17 Apr 2016, 08:36

also, if you play a bit less good, the CPU will play better, so if you get mentally tired it might feel like the CPU is changing a lot.
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