Manuto, I need your urgent help to map the gamepad buttons

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Manuto, I need your urgent help to map the gamepad buttons

Postby DaemoN » 13 Apr 2016, 19:29

I do not know to do. I would like to know how to map to use only one button for each stroke ?

For example , short acceleration in the Y LOB in the LT, and so on. I can not stand having to press 3 buttons to perform each of these blow , it makes me lose a lot of time and distracting me.

I saw people who uses counseling gamepad to do this , but I do not understand how.

Use the controls of the XBOX ONE and 360 .

I thank you to help me.

I just do not understand how to do this . I tried in every way , none worked.

I do not know if you have to use alternative strokes or leave normal. I need your help , URGENT !!!
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 13 Apr 2016, 19:17

Re: Manuto, I need your urgent help to map the gamepad butto

Postby manutoo » 14 Apr 2016, 09:20


does your gamepad work well with the game with the default settings ?

If there's no issue, then go to Controller -> Remap Strike . Assign 1 button for each "Fire", then set a different "Fire" for each strike (do not care about the direction, it'll be ignored if there's only 1 Fire per strike).
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Manuto, I need your urgent help to map the gamepad butto

Postby DaemoN » 14 Apr 2016, 18:22

Still I do not understand , nothing works here .

Where I have to put ?

If I put something on fire 4 fire 5 , 6, nothing works.

In short acceleration, normal acceleration , and offensive lob , only have to change the direction of tightening down , up, center , or whatever.

You could post a picture of how it should be on the xbox control one or 360 ?

I place LT , LB , RB , RT, those fire 4,5,6,7,8 ... no use, I get in the game, push the button , and nothing happens.

I have to leave the alternate strokes activated up / down , or leave default ? :?: :(


Hello Manuto . Thanks for your help. I finally understood how the mapping blows.

Thank you very much.
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 13 Apr 2016, 19:17

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