Steam version : what achievements ?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Steam version : what achievements ?

Postby manutoo » 17 Feb 2015, 06:35


I'm going to add Achievements for the Steam version.
What achievements would you like to see in the game ?

I think most achievements will be actually more like progress marker more than real competitive achievements ; ie: it'll be possible to get them in any game difficulty, with any settings, either the game is modded or not. So it'll be relatively easy to "cheat" to get them.

Here the current lists, starting by the ones already present in the game:
- Reach Rank #1 (this one, I'll duplicate it to have 1 per difficulty level)
- Reach Rank #10
- Reach Rank #20
- Reach Rank #50
- Reach Rank #100
- Reach Rank #200
- Reach Rank #500
- Grand slam over 2 seasons
- Grand Slam in 1 season

And here the new ones :
- Career Grand Slam
- do 1/10/100/1000 aces
- save a break points with an ace
- save 3 break points in the same game with an ace
- win a set 6/0
- lose a set 0/6 (it'll be called "Overspun" ... If you have looked the achievements of Top Spin 4, you'll know why ! ':D And if you have a better pun, I'm interested ;) )
- play 1/2/5/10/16 seasons in World Tour
- win 1/10/100/1000 World Tour matches
- do 1/10/100 return winners
- run 1/100/10'000 km
- do 1 winning volley drop shot
- win a match after have saved 1 match point
- beat the world #1
- do 1/10/100 forehand shoulder acceleration winners
- Mod the game
- Do a 50+ strikes rally
- Win a Tie-break

Online ones :
- 1 / 10 / 100 online matches in singles / doubles versus / doubles coop : each match needs to have at least 6 games actually played + not having giving up the match
- 1000 online singles matches

That's a total of 57 achievements, including all the variations...

You have 48 hours to give me additional ideas ! :blackeye:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Steam version : what achievements ?

Postby MarianoEG » 17 Feb 2015, 06:55

would u add some kind of co-op achievement? we can play with a Steam friend,we can invite him to play with us... like doubles or something..and meanwhile we can make the game reach more people.
Could that be possible or not?
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Re: Steam version : what achievements ?

Postby isaldor » 17 Feb 2015, 23:42

What about more online achievements ?
It could be interesting to reward matchs won in a row online. Also achievements regarding stats, like a certain number of aces in a match, succes at net, long rallies etc, tie break won etc...
Also it could be interesting to reward upsets online.
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Re: Steam version : what achievements ?

Postby manutoo » 18 Feb 2015, 07:10

it's not a bad idea, but at this point, there's nothing to detect if you invited a Steam friend to play with you, so I'm not sure how I'd add that...

I'd rather not add anything that will encourage annoying online behavior. There's already enough bad behavior about the ELO... :sweat:
I just added "Do a 50+ strikes rally" & "Win a Tie-break", but not tied to playing online.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Steam version : what achievements ?

Postby Nigogu » 26 Mar 2015, 16:25

Even if the period for suggestions is over... this is an awesome idea :yes: :!:
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