Am I that bad at playing or is there something wrong?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Am I that bad at playing or is there something wrong?

Postby antimouse » 29 Nov 2014, 17:07

Hello all,

I've been playing my career for a while now, so now I'm in year 2005 (began in 2003). I just got booted in two grass tournaments by two low-ranked players, with low stats, in 1st round. I would never lose to players like that in other grounds (hard or clay, for example). Some things I don't understand, and I've been noticing these things even before reaching the grass season. I have 90% in speed and stamina. How can players with 60% forehand and backhand power put out winners quite often? In the grass tournament, this became more clear. My opponent had 40% in both forehand and backhand, and he was able to make winners from the baseline :roll: I previously defeated players like that both in clay and hard courts with scores close to 6-0. Maybe I didn't learn how to play in grass yet, that's ok, but even from other grounds experience, sometimes I feel like my skills don't correspond to what they should be. For example, me having 90% speed doesn't stop a 70% FH/BH power CPU player to make great winners. However, when I was the 70% FH/BH power against some CPU with 90% speed, he managed to reach practically all my balls, forcing me to go to the net to finish the point. And I'm saying they make winners with long balls, not necessarily short ones, and not necessarily hitting on my wrong foot.

Well, as I said, maybe it is just me, but I wanted to share this with you :D

Oh! Forgot to say, I am playing on Pro 10 (which should give no extra advantage to CPU skills, right?)

My courts here: topic29-15848.php
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 541
Gaming Since: 06 Sep 2013, 01:05

Re: Am I that bad at playing or is there something wrong?

Postby manutoo » 30 Nov 2014, 04:39


a quick reminder : CPU is slightly advantage in its movement, because it can accelerate in any direction, and not only 8 like your player. This means it's slightly easier for the CPU to reach some ball when they're just a bit shorter or longer than its waiting position.

And yup, Pro10 = no bonus for CPU skills, but it starts to get pretty good reflexes, with can be better than yours, at least sometimes.
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Re: Am I that bad at playing or is there something wrong?

Postby antimouse » 30 Nov 2014, 18:17

Thanks Manu! I didn't know about that movement thing.

And I think part of my bad matches was due to court ground adaptation and/or camera point of view. I lost 1st round in Queens and Topshelf, but then I won some matches in Wimbledon. After that, I lost 1st round in a clay court against someone I thought I should win.
My courts here: topic29-15848.php
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 541
Gaming Since: 06 Sep 2013, 01:05

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