problem with control

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

problem with control

Postby jimtiti14 » 15 Aug 2013, 21:45

hi!i new to this site and game.please i have one problem with my cotroller(i have xbox cotroller).when start a match my shots only go straight not left and right.i have regulating the cotroller but nothing...please i am big fan tennis and who knows let's help me.thanks and keep playing this amazing game
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Re: problem with control

Postby manutoo » 16 Aug 2013, 04:52


download the latest version and read the message that pops up when you (don't) strike the ball.
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Re: problem with control

Postby jimtiti14 » 16 Aug 2013, 12:41

i have Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0a version.has come out and newer?and that message where and when appears exactly?thanks by the way
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Re: problem with control

Postby manutoo » 17 Aug 2013, 04:19

You should get a message like this : "you should not release the button before you hit the ball, else you'll do a poor strike going to the center of the opposite court".

Read here for more details => ... e.html#how .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: problem with control

Postby jimtiti14 » 17 Aug 2013, 12:53

thanks very mach,finally i understand how to play.
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Re: problem with control

Postby gurur14 » 26 Aug 2014, 20:10

i have a problem about the controls. i can release the button before i hit the ball but i dont know what happened i cant now how can i fix this
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