Comments about Build 98 (TE2013 v1.0)

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 !

Postby Victor » 17 Feb 2013, 03:11

Manutoo, why is it not possible to increase the max number of outfits and strikes? I open tennis.ini and type the number I want, but in the game nothing changes.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 !

Postby rangersfc » 19 Feb 2013, 20:58

Hey Manu,

did you solve the issue with title screen (you coudn't see every title win on the screen when you won too many different tournaments)?
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 !

Postby manutoo » 20 Feb 2013, 05:56

no... You should play in higher difficulties, instead..! ;)
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 !

Postby Serena Williams Fan » 22 Feb 2013, 13:13

I got two random crash in online matches it just happen for the first time.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 !

Postby Raz » 23 Feb 2013, 23:06

manutoo you should make an elo filter. whenever Im hosting, at least 10 players of elo between 700 - 1000 want to join my game and I always ban them because if I dont they will try to join back. I want to be able to set the minimum joining elo of my game to "1100" ( as im 2400+ ) . what do you think ? :wink:
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