TE Tour - moving from Skype to Discord

match reports & organization for the online tennis tournaments

Moderators: Sampreas, Algo, NESXA, Mystery, JiJo, M.Khalil Guedria

TE Tour - moving from Skype to Discord

Postby JiJo » 25 May 2021, 00:36

Hello everyone !

We are announcing that the tour is officialy switching from Skype to Discord as the platform to organize matches and communicate with players.
You can join the new server here : https://discord.gg/ZVd2NWghxT

This will make things much more convenient, since you'll be notified on the server when we'll make announcements. Everybody will be able to keep in touch with each other, you'll be able to find a partner to play online whenever you want, discuss about the game/tour, etc...

The forum will still be used as a 1st contact between opponents in Tour matches like usual. Ideally, people should use it to inform moderators when they have agreed on a time to play. On the other hand, Discord will be prefered for organizing a time to play with your opponent, like Skype was but easing the work of Moderators to keep track of those conversations.

Hope to see you there ! :D
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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