Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questions

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Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questions

Postby tsitsitsipas » 09 Aug 2022, 07:38

Hi, a couple of minor questions:

1. I'm trying to create a TET/ATP500 tournament with a 56 singles draw, yet it's not letting me and defaulting to a 32 singles draw. I'm able to create a 48 draw just fine, and also interestingly enough I'm able to create a 56 draw for a TET/ATP250 tournament, just not a 500. I'll also note that I'm getting this line in the output_lot.txt:
Code: Select all
Too many players in London (Max = 32 from Category TET500)

I was wondering if there was a way to change this or mod in a larger draw size.

2. Is it possible to easily expand the Emerson/Davis cup to include more nations (which also probably requires 1 more round of play I'm guessing)? Or is the game essentially limited to the 48 nations defined at the top of the Tour.ATP.ini file?

3. Is it possible to change the number of sets in qualifying for tournaments? Very minor, but in real life the last qualifying round of Wimbledon is 3 (Best of 5) sets, so I was wondering if it was possible to mod this in.

I appreciate the help as always!
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Re: Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questi

Postby tsitsitsipas » 09 Aug 2022, 08:11

Never mind about part 1 figured out it was because I was missing the ranking points for the additional round, but still have parts 2 and 3 as questions.
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Re: Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questi

Postby manutoo » 09 Aug 2022, 11:50


1) You need to use the 4th category for the 48-64 TE500 draws, and the 5th category for 32 & below TET500 draws (I'm not sure where you added the ranking points, so it may be a mistake :fear: )

2) I think it should work (but not 100% sure), but it should have enough players in the base for each additional country, on every year, else the game will crash (ie: manually add 2 players for each country every year)

3) No, it's not possible (especially only for the last round :sweat: )
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Re: Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questi

Postby tsitsitsipas » 10 Aug 2022, 19:19

Thanks for the quick response! 3 more random questions, if you don't mind:

1. I've noticed when playing juniors sometimes my partner retires (basically doesn't turn pro). How is it determined whether or not they go pro, and is there a way to guarantee that they will go pro (like reaching a certain junior ranking or something like that)?

2. I tried expanding the Olympics to 128 players and it doesn't seem to be working. The issue is strange here because, if I try any number between 65-127 it seems to work (127 results in what I want except the number 1 player receives a bye obviously), but when I try 128 players the game doesn't crash but the tournament isn't played (all seeds are given byes). Was wondering if there was any way to fix this? I'm thinking the issue might be because of the additional bronze medal match played.

3. I attempted to expand the Davis cup and it is crashing, and I ensured that all nations have at least 2 players. So initially the Davis cup is 16 teams in the main round, and 32 in qualifying. Adding an additional round would result in 16x2=32 teams in the main round (x2 for the additional round), and 32x2x2 teams in the qualifying rounds (x2 for the additional round, and another x2 because twice the amount of teams are playing in the "playoff" round to qualify for the main round after being eliminated in the first round of the main round). Now I read somewhere on another thread that you have that you mentioned there is a max of 45 tournaments per week, which could be the cause of the issue I think because you would need 64 "tournaments" (128 qualifying teams playing against each other in the first round) to host the first round of the Davis cup. Here is the exact error message I get:
Code: Select all
Need 308 players ; Available = 1517/2208 ; MinTopPresence = 0.2530724
Crashing in Tour : System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
 TopMenu = WT_NextMatch ; CurrentMenu = MenuSet03 ; CurrentItem = 3-DayOfWeek ; CurrentAction = -1 ; Year = 2020; Week = 5 ; DayOfWeek = 1 ; LastTrnBnk = Ini.1/51-Davis Cup/ATP (may not be the crashing one)
  at cm.bfw (Int32 a) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at cm.bgc (Boolean a) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at cm.bfy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at CGameTe.bqx () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Not a big deal if you can't easily fix it as this is a super minor thing, but I was just wondering if there was any easy/low-effort workarounds.
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Re: Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questi

Postby manutoo » 11 Aug 2022, 06:42

1) You cannot know, but it's by destiny, not by skills nor random. Some Junior players are created to fill the low draw of the Junior tournaments, so if you see someone with very low skills, there's a good chance he won't turn Pro, but it could still be a future weak Pro.

2) Yes, it's coz of the Bronze medal, so it's not fixable.

3) You can send me a Bug Report when it crashes ; I'll have a quick look to see if it's easily fixable or not.
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Re: Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questi

Postby tsitsitsipas » 14 Aug 2022, 09:47

These answers all make sense, unfortunately I didn't save the changes I made to test the Davis cup thing but if I try again I'll make sure to send the bug report.

One last question (thanks for answering all of these for me) - in the Olympics the gold medal match is played before the bronze medal match which seems unusual, would it be possible to change the order here? Also in general is there a way to have doubles finals played before singles finals? In general I've noticed that for the grand slams and the longer master events the doubles final gets played first and then the singles, but for most other tournaments its singles and then doubles.
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Re: Creating TET500 tournaments with >48 draw + other questi

Postby manutoo » 15 Aug 2022, 05:59

No, sorry, cannot change the order of anything.
The doubles finals are played on the Saturday for the 2-week tournaments, that's why they come before the singles finals (IIRC).
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