Add a new court

Everything about Modding TE2013, from new courts to the modifications of the player & tournament bases (and including all the bugs they may be creating ! ;) )
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Add a new court

Postby Guest » 15 Mar 2009, 16:35

I am trying to add new courts to the game, but the HOw to mod is not explaining everything in detail. I have the Qped, but it won't let me etract the Court07 data in my custumcourt01 directory. The How to mod does not tell me how edit the icon Menu\Art\ico\CustomCourt01.tga.

Just the whole description is very vague, and undetailed. Could I please get step by step instructions on how to do it? Is there a video or something. Because I am getting very aggravated with this.

Re: Add a new court

Postby manutoo » 16 Mar 2009, 06:56


first of all, adding a court is for advanced users who know a bit well about computer, and creation/modifying pictures.

To extract the files, do this :
1- create the directory "Data\CustomCourt01" (in your TE2009 directory)
2- in Qped, select "Data\Court07", click on "Object -> Export to Directory" & select "Data\CustomCourt01" & click on "ok"
3- now, in ur TE2009 dir, u have "Data\CustomCourt01\Court07" ; move all files within this directory to "Data\CustomCourt01"
4- edit or replace the court texture "Data\CustomCourt01\Court.jpg"

Now the menu icon :
5- create the directory "Menu\Art\Ico"
6- in Qped, select "Menu\Art\Ico\ustomCourt01.tga" , then click on "Object -> Export to File" and save it to "Menu\Art\Ico"
7- edit "Menu\Art\Ico\ustomCourt01.tga" with ur favorite image editor program (ie: Painter, Photoshop, etc...)
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