Reaction & problem with Build 47

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Postby Tom Paulman » 06 Aug 2008, 18:56

manutoo wrote:Build 47, August 6th:

New Features :
- Online : you can now temporally ban the players that annoy you, but the ban list will be reset each time you start the game

Changes :
- the maximum top spin effect has been reduced

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Postby milos » 07 Aug 2008, 22:46

in the latest version i cant get the display to be right size. when in full screen the picture is not normal, only when in windowed mode. its the problem with aspect ratio, i cant seem to get it to be right in the full screen mode the picture is always to "tall" in any resolution. it didn't use to happen in the previous version, its obvious that you've changed something, can you please switch it back, so i can play it on my laptop?

full screen:



on the same resolution. in previous version it would just add the black bars and the picture would stay the way it was...
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Postby manutoo » 08 Aug 2008, 05:18

Milos, you already asked me about this on previous update, no ?
Here ur questions & my answers :
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Postby milos » 08 Aug 2008, 06:40

manutoo wrote:Milos, you already asked me about this on previous update, no ?
Here ur questions & my answers :
but in latest update no matter what resolution i choose the screen stays the same, and it doesnt look as it should be. Can you see the difference on the pictures i posted?
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Postby manutoo » 08 Aug 2008, 06:56

From your screenshot, it seems they have more or less the good aspect ratio.

You can put this line, under [3dEngine] :
AspectRatio = 0
so it'll never add black bars, and you could set the ratio like you want (by changing the window size)...
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Postby milos » 08 Aug 2008, 11:44

ok, "more or less' is not good enough. i'd like to know how is it possible that i was able to make it work normally on the previous update, and on this new it's either streched left/right, or streched up/down?

i know something in the game itself has changed, 'cause when in windowed mode when i strech the screen manually, the black bars are being added ane removed automatically, and it didn't use to happen before. they were always there when not in full screen - windowed mode.

i guess you added some kind of automatism to that, but my display is not supported, cause i know my display was not the normal 640x480, or 800x600, but smoething like 1288x?...
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Postby manutoo » 08 Aug 2008, 11:57

coz now the engine detects the window changes of size in real time, not only at start.

Try this setting, to always have the black bars :
AspectRatio = 1
ForceAspectRatio= 0

But the aspect ratio itself is calculated the same way than before, ie: "more or less". The engine chooses between 4:3 & 16:10, there's no step-in between, so if your window is not exactly 4:3 or 16:10, then the aspect ratio won't be exactly correct.
Last edited by manutoo on 08 Aug 2008, 12:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby milos » 08 Aug 2008, 12:40

thanks manatoo! this actually worked for me! thanks a lot
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Postby Tscott415 » 10 Aug 2008, 23:00

Ok, i'm just getting to redownloading it and I have but it still won't let me play internet games and it says I need to download the newest version when I already have. Do you know how to fix this?
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Postby manutoo » 11 Aug 2008, 03:55

Tscott415 :
1- be sure to quit TE2006 before installing the new version
2- if still not working, uninstall the game 1st (but keep your saved games), before reinstall it
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Tscott415 » 11 Aug 2008, 22:02

It worked! Thanks!
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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