- Country : Cairo , Egypt
- Availability Schedule :
- I am almost free all time
- Head To Head vs :
- Stats:
Overall Current Year Title Win Loss Title Win Loss All 1 156 94 0 0 0 Grand Slam 0 23 13 0 0 0 Masters 1000 0 49 28 0 0 0 500 0 15 11 0 0 0 250 0 51 34 0 0 0 Challenger 1 16 5 0 0 0 Other 0 2 3 0 0 0 - Activity: Singles (see Doubles)
Year Week Name Rank Entry Race Points Round Opponent Rank Opponent Score 2020: 45 Paris 42 10 Masters 1000 Indoor Concrete R1 19 Dudanda w.o 44 Basel 49 330 500 Indoor Concrete F 8 mohd954 4/6 6/3 6/4 S 36 ondros 6/0 6/0 Q 10 André Tomás 7/6 6/4 R1 26 xofakis 6/1 6/0 43 Moscow 47 100 250 Indoor Concrete S 10 mohd954 6/4 5/7 7/5 Q 17 Chris Jacob w.o R1 -- Bye 22 Roland Garros 46 10 Grand Slam Clay R1 21 filipes22 w.o 17 Barcelona 58 50 500 Clay R2 14 SCHLIRi w.o R1 33 milutki10 DISQ 16 Monte-Carlo 61 10 Masters 1000 Clay R1 12 andrey9537 w.o 13 Miami -- 100 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 2 Mohamed WO R1 18 SCHLIRi RL 2019: 3 Australian Open 15 10 Grand Slam NewLine Synthetic R2 40 Souhail Aarab w.o R1 -- Bye 2 Auckland 15 50 250 NewLine Synthetic Q 47 Stefan Pavlovic w.o R2 41 Souhail Aarab w.o R1 -- Bye 2018: 44 Paris 23 400 Masters 1000 Indoor Concrete S 9 M.Khalil Guedria 6/3 6/3 Q 65 Simo Hamdi w.o R3 2 NESXA WO R2 75 [Deleted Account 15450] w.o R1 -- Bye 39 Shenzhen 20 0 250 Blue-Green Cement R2 -- oljahn w.o R1 -- Bye 35 US Open 22 200 Grand Slam Blue-Green Cement R3 5 M.Khalil Guedria 4/6 6/2 5/7 6/3 6/1 R2 84 Stefan Pavlovic 6/0 6/3 6/2 R1 -- Bye 34 Winston-Salem 21 50 250 Blue-Green Cement Q 6 Max Diamandis 6/2 7/6(9) R2 45 Chris Jacob w.o R1 -- Bye 33 Cincinnati 20 10 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 35 Milivoj96 w.o R1 -- Bye 32 Toronto 20 100 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R3 4 edkDeus 7-5 7-6(3) R2 74 Simo Hamdi w.o R1 -- Bye 31 Washington 20 100 500 Blue-Green Cement Q 1 DavidiM w.o R2 18 André Tomás DISQ R1 74 Simo Hamdi w.o 30 Hamburg 20 50 500 Clay R2 82 POLAND w.o R1 71 xofakis RL 29 Umag 21 25 250 Clay R2 18 André Tomás 6-2 2-6 6-2 R1 39 Zugzwang w.o 27 Wimbledon 23 100 Grand Slam Grass R2 8 Max Diamandis 6/1 5/7 6/2 7/6 R1 25 MSharapova1 w.o 24 Stuttgart 29 0 250 Grass R1 14 Sale93 w.o 22 Roland Garros 29 200 Grand Slam Clay R3 2 NESXA 6/1 6/3 6/1 R2 76 Heat 6/2 5/0 ret R1 25 MSharapova1 w.o 21 Lyon 36 25 250 Clay R2 28 M.Gamal Federerized w.o R1 44 Chris Jacob w.o 20 Rome 43 200 Masters 1000 Clay Q 3 NESXA 6/4 6/2 R3 52 Pedro98 RL R2 16 Andre Kerber 6/3 7/5 R1 -- Bye 19 Madrid 43 200 Masters 1000 Clay Q 34 André Tomás 7/6(4) 6/3 R2 39 KENZ 4/6 6/3 6/1 R1 15 jonnyboy21 6/2 6/2 17 Barcelona 48 0 500 Clay R1 14 Sale93 3/6 ret. 16 Monte Carlo 47 100 Masters 1000 Clay R3 2 ffzzpp w.o R2 27 Zugzwang w.o R1 -- Bye 2017: 41 Shanghai 55 10 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R1 33 Emir Guermassi w.o 40 Beijing 55 50 500 Blue-Green Cement R2 1 Mehdi w.o R1 35 Seizoris DISQ 38 St. Petersburg 53 0 250 Indoor Concrete R2 26 Kiril w.o R1 -- Bye 35 US Open 63 100 Grand Slam Blue-Green Cement R2 4 NESXA 6/3 2/1 ret. R1 101 S.Smith 6/0 6/0 6/0 34 Winston-Salem 66 25 250 Blue-Green Cement R2 6 Max Diamandis 6/4 7/6 R1 -- BryanPro007 w.o 33 Cincinnati 98 50 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 2 ffzzpp 6/1 6/2 R1 40 Chris Jacob 6/2 6/4 32 Montreal 102 200 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement Q 4 NESXA 6/1 6/2 R3 9 JKK w.o R2 11 Ivo ISNER WO R1 -- Bye 31 Los Cabos 78 50 250 Blue-Green Cement Q 50 jonnyboy21 1/6 7/5 6/4 R1 16 1210967164 6/3 6/4 2016: 32 Summer Olympic Games 49 0 Other Blue-Green Cement R1 41 Sale93 w.o 31 Atlanta Championships 49 25 250 Blue-Green Cement R2 13 Sampreas w.o R1 77 Superteta RL 30 Toronto 47 100 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R3 9 milutki10 6/3 6/3 R2 20 Przemek 6/3 6/4 R1 -- guvrinka 6/1 6/0 12 Miami 27 10 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 58 Policeman w.o R1 -- Bye 10 Indian Wells 27 10 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R1 46 Ivo ISNER w.o 7 Rio de Janeiro 21 0 500 Clay R1 58 Lazar Laze Magdincev w.o 6 Rotterdam 21 0 500 Indoor Concrete R1 28 M.Gamal Federerized DISQ 3 Australian Open 21 100 Grand Slam NewLine Synthetic R3 28 adner w.o R2 140 Sammy w.o R1 -- Bye 2 Sydney 21 0 250 NewLine Synthetic R2 123 Francesco Dimitrov 3/6 6/4 6/0 R1 -- Bye 2015: 45 Paris 19 100 Masters 1000 Indoor Carpet R3 6 NESXA w.o R2 168 G.Simon RL R1 -- Bye 44 Basel 21 100 500 Indoor Carpet Q 6 NESXA 6/7(4) 6/3 7/5 R2 37 Sale93 6/4 6/2 R1 -- Bye 43 Moscow 20 165 250 Indoor Concrete F 15 Naastooo 4/6 6/3 7/6(0) S 47 zrinkecsportnet 6/4 6/4 Q 38 Milivoj96 WO R1 -- Bye 42 Shanghai 20 10 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R1 110 Wajih Jaber w.o 40 Kuala Lumpur 21 0 250 Indoor Concrete R1 43 ratherplayer w.o 39 St. Petersburg 21 0 250 Indoor Concrete R2 55 MarkChan w.o R1 -- Bye 36 US Open 21 10 Grand Slam Blue-Green Cement R2 163 Sybille Bammer w.o R1 -- Bye 34 Cincinnati 22 10 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R1 21 Dr.Ivo w.o 33 Montreal 21 100 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R3 18 Chris Jacob w.o R2 7 Rogger w.o R1 31 Tatishvili w.o 31 Atlanta 23 100 250 Blue-Green Cement S 12 The Joker 6/2 6/2 Q 45 adner 6/1 6/3 R1 -- zrinkecsportnet 2/6 6/2 7/5 30 Bogota 23 50 250 Blue-Green Cement Q 9 Sampreas 4/6 6/3 7/6 R2 36 Zugzwang 6-3 6-4 R1 -- Bye 29 Newport 13 0 250 Grass R1 146 Scofield w.o 27 Wimbledon 13 10 Grand Slam Grass R2 40 Zugzwang RL R1 -- Bye 13 Miami 11 400 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement S 1 Heinrich von Westphalen 6/0 6/2 Q 40 M.Khalil Guedria 6/2 6/4 R4 16 jonnyboy21 6/7 7/6 6/4 R3 42 Mehdi 6/2 7/6 R2 66 SAMI 6/2 4/1 ret R1 -- Bye 11 Indian Wells 11 100 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R4 43 SàLîM 7-5 6-1 R3 32 dineshseervi w.o R2 63 akilise ali RL R1 -- Bye 9 Dubai 11 100 500 Blue-Green Cement Q 43 Omeyer 63 67 64 R2 17 Policeman 3-6 6-2 6-3 R1 145 iopzzza w.o 8 Delray Beach 10 100 250 Blue-Green Cement S 12 yassinee 7/5 2/6 6/4 Q 42 M.Khalil Guedria 6/4 6/2 R2 208 Žan Đerković 6/1 6/0 R1 -- Bye 7 Memphis 10 165 250 Indoor Concrete F 14 GoAga 3/6 7/6(0) 6/4 S 18 Naastooo 6/2 6/7 6/4 Q 21 jwmjwm 6/4 7/6 R2 39 Quasar 6/2 6/2 R1 -- Bye 6 Zagreb 12 0 250 Indoor Concrete R2 50 M.Khalil Guedria 3/6 7/6(5) 6/3 R1 -- Bye 4 Australian Open 11 200 Grand Slam NewLine Synthetic R4 40 Chris Jacob 6/3 6/0 7/5 R3 95 Emir Guermassi 6/0 6/0 6/1 R2 49 M.Khalil Guedria 7/6(0) 1/6 6/4 2/6 11/9 R1 -- Bye 3 Auckland 11 50 250 Blue-Green Cement Q 18 GoAga 6/4 6/4 R2 105 Lazar Laze Magdincev w.o R1 -- Bye 2 Doha 11 50 250 Blue-Green Cement Q 18 GoAga 6/2 6/4 R2 116 Ellias 6/0 6/2 R1 -- Bye 2014: 50 TE Winter Classic -- 0 Exhibition Classic Synthetic R3 -- Policeman DISQ R2 -- issam21 RL R1 -- Bye 49 TE Arcade Classic -- 0 Exhibition Indoor Concrete Q1 -- Dr.Ivo 6/1 6/1 44 Paris 16 400 Masters 1000 Indoor Carpet S 5 Maryanucci 6/2 4/6 7/6(3) Q 8 Sampreas 6/4 4/2 ret. R3 15 yassinee 7/6 6/2 R2 81 kuba 6/2 6/3 R1 -- Bye 35 US Open 22 200 Grand Slam Blue-Green Cement R4 2 Nadi madi 6/3 6/2 6/2 R3 93 HAAS 6/2 6/2 6/0 R2 292 sorinacio RL R1 -- Bye 33 Cincinatti 23 100 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R3 4 Heinrich von Westphalen 6/1 6/3 R2 55 Petr Kroppe RL R1 -- Bye 32 Toronto 23 50 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 2 Nadi madi 6/3 3/6 7/6(7) R1 27 sale87bg 6/7 7/6 6/4 29 Bogota 25 25 250 Blue-Green Cement R2 38 GoAga 6/4 6/4 R1 50 JKK 6-1 6-1 28 Newport 33 25 250 Grass R2 63 NikolaPavlov 6/1 3/6 6/1 R1 37 achraf federer w.o 26 Wimbledon 34 400 Grand Slam Grass Q 95 jeremy 6/0 6/4 5/7 7/6(5) R4 15 yassinee 7/6 4/6 6/4 7/6 R3 98 NESXA 6/2 7/5 6/2 R2 84 Croat w.o R1 391 Jaydee711 w.o 25 Eastbourne 34 25 250 Grass R2 29 Rogger 7-6 6-2 R1 214 Jelena Jankovic 6/4 6/1 24 Queen's 39 50 250 Grass Q 7 Nadalesque 6/2 6/2 R2 28 jonnyboy21 w.o R1 49 André Tomás 4/6 7/5 7/6 23 Vicenza 39 18 CT 100 Clay Q 56 GoAga 6/4 (7)6/7 7/6(6) R2 85 Pavlyuchenkova w.o R1 -- Bye 22 Roland Garros 41 100 Grand Slam Clay R3 7 Nadalesque 6/1 6/0 6/2 R2 -- giago RL R1 -- Bye 21 Nice 46 100 250 Clay S 14 Maryanucci 6/0 6/2 Q 28 jonnyboy21 RL R2 51 André Tomás 6/4 6/3 R1 -- KerberLq WO 20 Aix En Provence 45 33 CT 90 Clay S -- Nojo RL Q -- mariusz1994 6/1 6/0 R1 -- Bye 20 Rome 45 50 Masters 1000 Clay R2 10 Heinrich von Westphalen 6/0 6/1 R1 62 Petr Kroppe 6/1 6/1 18 Oeiras 46 0 250 Clay R1 122 Serena Williams WO 17 Bucharest 46 50 250 Clay Q 24 Naastooo 3/6 6/4 6/4 R2 128 NathanAck RL R1 100 Khalil Ghenimm WO 16 Monte-Carlo 48 10 Masters 1000 Clay R1 77 braian RL 15 Houston 52 50 250 Green Clay Q 13 Heinrich von Westphalen 6/0 6/0 R2 85 JKK 6/7 7/6 6/2 R1 39 dineshseervi RL 13 Qatar F1 66 60 Future Blue-Green Cement W 75 federer38 6/0 6/0 S 180 Demetre Chokheli 4\6 3\6 Q 247 NESXA 6/4 6/4 R2 142 Milivoj96 6/1 6/3 R1 -- Bye 12 Miami 80 200 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement Q -- Diagnostic 6/3 7/6 (3) R4 21 Ayoub rima 6/7 6/4 6/4 R3 102 Heather Watson 6/7 6/1 4/0 ret. R2 39 SàLîM w.o R1 64 Mido 6/3 6/1 11 Argentina F4 80 36 Future Clay F 89 Omeyer 6/2 6/3 S -- FederJacy 6/0 ret. Q 93 M.Khalil Guedria 7/6(4) 6/2 R2 173 Milivoj96 6/2 6/1 R1 -- Bye 10 Indian Wells 92 100 Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R4 2 Nadi madi 6/2 6/4 R3 28 Policeman 6/3 3/6 6/4 R2 32 Algo WO R1 86 HAAS 6/2 6/2 9 Sao Paulo 187 50 250 Clay Q 26 Maryanucci RL R2 65 Mido 6/1 6/3 R1 -- Bye 8 Rio de Janeiro 219 200 500 Clay S 75 Alexander 6/4 6/4 Q 14 Heinrich von Westphalen WO R2 -- Delboy Trotter RL R1 -- jhon-dim 1/0 ret 7 Memphis 240 25 250 Indoor Concrete R2 15 deguan 7/6 6/4 R1 171 alain30290 6/0 6/1 6 Vina del Mar 240 3 250 Clay R1 114 Mehdi RL Q2 -- Nigogu WO Q1 -- Micchelangello1974 w.o 5 Burnie 243 0 CT 90 Blue-Green Cement Q1 213 Khalil Ghenimm RL 2013: 51 Venezuela F9 -- 20 Future Clay S 184 Omeyer RL Q -- Mehdi 6/4 6/4 R1 261 longtin23 6/3 6/4 Q1 -- Marco Coelho 6/2 6/2
Entry | Race | |
Total Points | 0 | 0 |
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Masters |