Player Details: shoreshot1

Country : England, United Kingdom
Availability Schedule :
Week Days: from 18.00 to 22.00 UTC GMT ; Week-End : 14.00 to 23.00
Head To Head vs :
Overall Current Year
Title Win Loss Title Win Loss
All 056  056
Grand Slam 000  000
Masters 1000 044  044
500 001  001
250 011  011
Challenger 000  000
Other 000  000
Activity: Singles (see Doubles)
Entry Race
Total Points235235
Davis Cup
Extra Tournament
Year Week Name Rank Entry Race Points Round Opponent Rank Opponent Score
2024: 17 Madrid 40 0
Masters 1000 Clay Q 7 paul DISQ
R2 18 Mahmut DISQ
R1 -- Bye
16 Barcelona 58 0
500 Clay R1 19 Mahmut WO
15 Monte-Carlo 58 10
Masters 1000 Clay R1 76 Fortified w.o
14 Estoril 58 25
250 Clay R2 7 Heat 6/0 6/1
R1 -- Black_Doge WO
12 Miami -- 100
Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 17 1210967164 6/0 6/2
R1 88 AntManSC WO
10 Indian Wells -- 100
Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 10 Dani21 6/1 6/1
R1 -- Lasseton 6/2 6/2