Player Details: the_shadow

Country : FRANCE
Availability Schedule :
Week days: from 19.00 to 0.00 UTC+1 most often
Week-end: Generally available, just arrange a time.
Head To Head vs :
Overall Current Year
Title Win Loss Title Win Loss
All 01114  000
Grand Slam 022  000
Masters 1000 054  000
500 021  000
250 026  000
Challenger 001  000
Other 000  000
Activity: Singles (see Doubles)
Entry Race
Total Points00
Davis Cup
Extra Tournament
Year Week Name Rank Entry Race Points Round Opponent Rank Opponent Score
2014: 30 Atlanta 200 0
250 Blue-Green Cement Q2 270 achraf123 4/6 6/1 6/2
Q1 -- Bye
28 Stuttgart -- 0
250 Clay R1 26 jonnyboy21 6/3 6/3
26 Wimbledon -- 50
Grand Slam Grass R2 21 MSharapova1 6/3 6/4 6/4
R1 57 M.Gamal Federerized RL
2011: 45 Paris 79 10
Masters 1000 Indoor Concrete R1 72 Dasp w.o.
42 Stockholm 91 25
250 Indoor Concrete R2 34 Ayoub rima 7/6 7/6
R1 67 Richou w.o.
41 Shanghai 127 50
Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 4 Serena Williams 6/1 6/0
R1 26 HAAS 6/3 6/3
40 Tokyo 126 100
500 Cement Q 6 Florian 6-1 6-0
R2 81 NAD w.o.
R1 196 Denislav Ivanov 6/3 7/6(1)
39 Bangkok 125 0
250 Indoor Concrete R1 50 Oussama Hassad 6/0 6/1
38 Metz 125 0
250 Indoor Concrete R1 40 Grigor Dimitrov 3-6 7-6(5) 6-4
37 Szczecin 153 0
CT 125 Clay R1 108 mirel 7/5 6/2
35 US Open 153 50
Grand Slam Blue-Green Cement R2 68 Milano 6/3 6/2 6/2
R1 26 HAAS 6/4 6/4 6/3
34 Winston-Salem 151 0
250 Blue-Green Cement R1 -- Mike Candys 6/3 7/5
33 Cincinnati -- 0
Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement Q1 -- Dasp 6/4 6/7(1)
32 Montreal -- 65
Masters 1000 Blue-Green Cement R2 16 Niksa 6-4 6-0
R1 89 Agú 0/6 1/6
Qualified TBD
Q3 97 marouane 6/3 6/4
Q2 100 Miko 6/2 6/1
Q1 194 morris 6/2 6/1