Player Details: navin.israni

Country : India
Availability Schedule :
Weekdays 9PM to 12 MIDNIGHT IST / 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM GMT
Weekends (Please Ask)
Head To Head vs :
Overall Current Year
Title Win Loss Title Win Loss
All 065  000
Grand Slam 021  000
Masters 1000 000  000
500 011  000
250 000  000
Challenger 033  000
Other 000  000
Activity: Singles (see Doubles)
Entry Race
Total Points00
Davis Cup
Extra Tournament
Year Week Name Rank Entry Race Points Round Opponent Rank Opponent Score
2015: 32 Washington 228 50
500 Blue-Green Cement R2 35 André Tomás w.o
R1 125 Kiril DISQ
31 Granby 258 2
CT 110 Blue-Green Cement R1 71 Heat RL
Q3 236 Lazar w.o
Q2 155 Kiril RL
Q1 251 Kobe_Brillant w.o
30 Lexington 222 0
CT 90 Blue-Green Cement R1 99 Teliana Pereira 7/5
28 Winnetka -- 0
CT 80 Blue-Green Cement Q1 122 Teliana Pereira WO
2011: 35 US Open -- 100
Grand Slam Blue-Green Cement R3 7 Florian LR
R2 34 DavidFerrer_ w.o.
R1 79 reda jennah w.o.