How to Change a Value in Tennis.ini [Example with DevMode]

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How to Change a Value in Tennis.ini [Example with DevMode]

Postby manutoo » 21 Feb 2020, 07:21


here is a step-by-step explanation to change a value in Tennis.ini.

So for example, let's activate the DevMode :
- launch the game
- click on Settings -> Profile -> Show Data Folder (on the bottom left)
- close the game
- open Tennis.ini (or your Profile .ini if you have created one or installed a Mod using one, which is "Profiles\<NameOfYourProfile>.ini)
- look for this line, under [3dEngine] :
DevMode = 0
and change it to :
DevMode = 1
- save and close the .ini
- launch the game

Notes :
- if everything is done correctly, you should see a dark rectangle with some info on the top left of the main menu
- by default, Windows hides the ".ini" extension
- turning on the DevMode turns off the automatic saving when clicking on the top-right "X" in Windowed mode
- if the game crashes on start, try to press the Left or Right Shift key as soon as the game window appears (and is active) ; this should open the Data Folder same as clicking the icon in the Profile menu
== Mana Games ==

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Re: How to Change a Value in Tennis.ini [Example with DevMod

Postby knich » 29 Oct 2023, 18:54

Thank you...that worked!
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 14 May 2012, 22:53

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