Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

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Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 04 Jul 2019, 10:04


here the Localization Kit if you want to translate the game to your own language : ... .

It should need about 10-15 hours to translate everything, depending on your language complexity and your translation skills.

You shouldn't split the work between different people, as it might create big discrepancy amongst the used vocab.

If you start to translate the game, announce in what language here, so other people won't try to translate it a 2nd time.

Then you can either share the result with the community, or give it to me so I'll bundle it with the game (and credits you, of course ! ;-) ).

Languages already in the game & (almost) complete :
- Chinese
- English
- French
- Italian
- Russian
- German
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Czech

Languages already in the game, but only done partially :
- Croatian
- Dutch
- Hungarian
- Polish
- Serbian
- Spanish
- Slovak

Languages currently translated : (as of May 2021)
- Turkish (MIA - see his post on this topic if you want to finish his translation)

Lang_English.txt Format :
each line = <TextCode><Tabulation><Text To Translate>

special case:
- [:<TextForMale>:<TextForFemale] : allows to display a male or female version of the text, depending on if it applies to a man or a woman ; 2 examples within 1 sentence: [:Harry|Matilda] is a [:Male|Female]

Do not change :
- TextCode
- everything after a // is a comment, and is not used in the game (it's supposed to help people translating the text)
- \n means go to next line
- \xx is an Ascii code (eg: \32 = a space)
- {0} {1} {2} will be replaced by a string by the game engine
- [>TextCode] will be replaced by the text associated with the TextCode
- <tag> & </tag> are rich text tags (usually for color)
- {Some Codes} will be replaced by numbers by the game engine
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby Algo » 06 Jul 2019, 02:35

What would you need to translate to Spanish?
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 06 Jul 2019, 06:57

here the new sentences needed to complete the Spanish translation : :yes:

Download the Translation Kit to check the translation instructions. (or read the "Lang_English.txt Format" section I just added in the 1st post)

If you have the time & the mood, you can also translate the Steam Store page, the Steam Achievements and the En_QuickStart.html (it's partially done in "Order & QuickStart\Es_InicioRapido.html").
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby Vilksar » 08 Jul 2019, 11:58


I have been "stalking" the forums for quite a while now, and I think it is a great place for my first post :)

I can try to translate the game in Romanian, if this is of any interest to you. I had a look over the files that need to be translated, and it seems to be straightforward enough for most of them (and I might ask where needed).

Thank you for creating such a great game!
tennis curious
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 09 Jul 2019, 08:19

you're very welcome to translate the game to Romanian if you want to do it ! :yes:
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby sleeping » 23 Oct 2019, 04:09


the german translation by the Woegers is really good...but not perfect: for example "All-Court Attacker" is still "Gemischt" - I hate that since TEM1 -
or for the 2 types of counterplayers both are just "Konterspieler", there are also a few grammatical oopsies and missing letters, a few but grrrrrrr!

Humble me likes to help! Double-check with the Woeger-boys though ^^ :aureola:

Sincerely, your obedient servant


( need to put me in the credits or stuff pls)
...this was a quick deal, no "work" at all
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 23 Oct 2019, 10:19

thanks a lot for all your fixes, they'll be in the next update ! :yes:
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby Vilksar » 06 Jan 2020, 12:26

Hi again,

First of all, I apologize for the long-long time that it took me to get back on this, but (from your forum posts) I'm quite sure you know how it is with life :)

I pushed this weekend and finished everything, I hope. I think that it is impossible to not have a few mistakes here and there, but I think that overall it is quite good. I might try to actually play around a bit with the new language, and see what else I can catch.

I didn't know how to send it, so I took note from @sleeping and uploaded it to WorkUpload (it should expire in 14 days). It also seems that "My post looks too spamy for a new user" ( :D ) so, I can't add any offsite URLs, thus I will write it as text (sorry for that!).

https : / / workupload . com / file / jkGZ2Gxc

I simply added a new folder, named "Romanian" to the archive. I do have some notes, however (quite random, to be honest, and far from exhaustive), which I think might require your input :)
  1. Lao - Laos?
  2. Macedonia - North Macedonia?
  3. In "En_QuickStart" - "Click on the bug warm-up button..."
  4. Operating systems are not updated to the latest versions.
  5. Men/Women - is it [:man|woman] or [:man:woman]? And on which subsections can we actually use this, considering that the "alternate" part at the end also exists (I used the latter)?
  6. In "lang_English", line 236 - "This host have installed?",
  7. line 949 - should be [>KeyReplay] instead of Replay,
  8. line 1280 - what does crc mean? Cyclic Redundancy Check (the only thing I could think of, on the top of my head :D )?,
  9. line 1304 - missing "\n",
  10. line 2284 - I don't understand what it means, the "form of the day" explanation feels quite unclear,
  11. line 2887+ - I don't understand what all the "force" things mean,
  12. line 2899 - should be "real life" or "reality" instead of "real"

And I think that was it! I really hope that it will be at least a little bit useful and that someone might get a bit of use out of it :)
tennis curious
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 08 Jan 2020, 10:33

don't worry, I know more than enough how life can take quirky turns ! :blackeye: (it'd be nice if Algo could let us know he's still alive, though, especially with what's going on in Chili lately :fear: )

0) So I downloaded your file ; unfortunately, you didn't update to the v1.0a. Do you have a program to show you the difference between 2 text files ?
Else, the changes are mostly in the "//===RTM Coaching" section.

For your notes :
1) yes

2) I guess yes

3) Fixed from "bug" to "big" ! ;)

4) Where ? In the Quickstart, it's "OS: Windows 10/8/7/Vista" (at least now, maybe it wasn't with the version you got in July :fear: )

5) Yes, it's never used now ; it could come if I were to add female trainers or something like that (the format is really " [:man|woman]")

6) Fixed from "have" to "has"

7) Yes

8) Yes ; it's just a number calculated from all the skills to know if they have changed or not

9) Fixed

lang_English.txt wrote:Form of the day: {0}%
A low Concentration raises the chance to have a bad day with low energy & efficiency, but also to have a good day with extra efficiency, and a low Constancy raises the maximum energy & efficiency change on such day

Some day your player has less energy & efficiency ( = bad form day), and some others, he has more ( = good form day)

11) I added this comment "// The game will scale all the player skills so his global force will match the Force Rank"

12) Fixed

and thanks a lot for all the translation. I'm sure some Romanian players will be happy to have it. :yes:
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby Vilksar » 09 Jan 2020, 09:56

I didn't even know that an updated version exists! Also, I don't know if there exists a program that simply gets the differences, but I think I can easily get Git to do it for me. :D

I will try to download the updated everything, update the translations and re-upload them, however it might take a few weeks. :)
tennis curious
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby Vilksar » 27 Jan 2020, 17:07

So, there were fewer changes than I feared there would be (I found 2 small changes in the "760630_loc_english.vdf" file, and about 60+ in the "lang_English.txt" file).

I have updated the Romanian translations (and fixed a few typos and mistakes that I stumbled upon :)) and reuploaded the file to WorkUpload (again, with an expiration date of 14 days).

Everything should be as before, I hope that it is alright. I will still look around and see if I can spot any other mistakes, but I think that overall it is looking good. If there is anything wrong or incomplete, or if I can do something else, please let me know! :)
tennis curious
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 04 Feb 2020, 09:44

thanks for the update ! I'm in a terrible rush with many things lately, so I'll try to check the translation within 10 days. (it's in my TODO list ;) )

Note: I already downloaded the file.
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 09 Mar 2020, 10:43

I finally got the time to put your translation into the game !
You can download & install the demo to see it in action ; thanks again for it..! :jap:
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby hsngrms » 15 Apr 2020, 00:10

Hey manutoo thank you for your great effort for making a tennis management game possible!

Do you think translating TEM2 to Turkish worth the effort? I know you are working on TE4, this is why I am asking. Maybe I should save my effort for it, so it can reach more player from my country when it goes on sale. (I have no idea about player base of Turkey. If you say "ofc this will worth", I will translate TEM2.)


edit: I just tried to see something first. So I have some minor problems if I do that translation.

1st- We have lower case char " ı " which is upper case of " I " and also we have upper case " İ " which is lower case of " i ". English doesn't have these and of course game using English's rule to convert them. So, when I use lower case" i " in translation game shows it as upper case " I " and when I use lower case " ı " in translation it is staying as lower even other chars in word are all upper case.

2nd- Some terms in English are universal like " OK ", in Turkish we can say it fits mostly to " Tamam " but, in game it is not fitting. For example: Match Summary Screen can be closed with "OK", when you do it with "Tamam" it feels like game translated via google translator to player. It could be "Tamamla" (which means Done) or "Çıkış" (which means Exit) or "Kapat" (which means Close, this is best fitting) but since it is universal I can't set specific term to Match Summary Screen :)
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Re: Translate TEM2 to your own Language !

Postby manutoo » 15 Apr 2020, 07:30

0) the text file for TEM2 is also the one used for TE4, so if you translate it, it'll be good for both games. But as the sales in Turkey are very low, it's not worth a lot, although it will probably make happy some Turkish people, so it's really up to you. If you're in lockdown and bored a lot, it's better to translate the game than do nothing I guess... :P

1) Hum, could you write 1 full word containing " ı " ? And where is it capitalized in the game ? I think I can add specific language rules for capitalizing, I'll try to have a look.

2) "Ok" is complementary of "Cancel" ; so "Tamamla" should be the best choice there.
== Mana Games ==

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